blog The EvaLymph-Leg trial at a glance December 13, 2022 An ongoing international trial to improve the assessment of lower limb lymphedema in clinical practice
blog Cancer research day at the University of Antwerp November 9, 2022 A small recap of the cancer research day at the University of Antwerp. Pictures inside.
blog Guideline oncological aftercare in primary care November 2, 2022 The Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment commissioned and funded a project group to create a multidisciplinary good clinical practice guideline on oncology aftercare in primary care. This blog provides a brief overview of this brand new upcoming guideline.
blog The InBody 770 and its multiple purposes October 27, 2022 In this blog post the InBody 770 bio-impedance analysis device is explained and compared to the SOZO bio-impedance spectroscopy device. Additionally, two predoctoral researchers of the CarEdOn research group explain how the InBody device is used in their research project.
blog The effectiveness of a comprehensive supervised exercise program (CSEP) during radiotherapy in head and neck cancer patients on health-related quality of life October 7, 2022 Is exercise promising to improve quality of life of head and neck cancer patients during and after their treatment?
blog Finding your way in the world of compression September 2, 2022 This blogpost will help you find the right compression garment for edema at the lower leg.
blog CarEdOn Recap 2022 part 1 August 2, 2022 A small recap of our first half of 2022 as a research group. Pictures inside!
blog The future of pain biomarkers August 2, 2022 Biomarkers. What are they? How can we measure them? How can we apply them in pain research? What's the catch?
blog Why manual lymph drainage to reduce swelling in patients with chronic lymphoedema after breast cancer treatment is outdated… June 9, 2022 Lymphoedema occurs in about 16 per cent of people after breast cancer. According to the recommendations of the International Society of Lymphology (ISL), lymphoedema needs to be treated with decongestive lymphatic therapy (DLT), which consists of skin care, manual lymph drainage (MLD), compression therapy and exercise therapy. However, the value of the MLD as a component in this regimen is uncertain.
blog Midline oedema May 16, 2022 Midline oedema is defined as lymphoedema of the face, head and neck, breast, torso and genitalia which is a reported side-effect of pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND). This blogpost will further discuss the cause, prevalence and assessment of midline oedema in light of my doctorate project.
blog 12th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC April 19, 2022 A summary blogpost of the 12th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC.
blog Movement is medicine April 12, 2022 Maybe you have heard this saying before: ‘movement is medicine’. But is this true? Read about it here!
blog Klinisch onderzoek: wat is het en wat kan je verwachten? March 30, 2022 This blogpost is in Dutch and directed to Dutch speaking people who might be interested in participating in clinical research.
blog Alterations in scapular kinematics following breast cancer treatment: Are they adaptive changes? March 7, 2022 This blogposts discusses changes in scapular kinematics in breast cancer survivors
blog Lymphedema in times of Covid-19 February 28, 2022 Blogpost about the impact of Covid-19 on the care and quality of life of patients with lymphedema.
blog The puzzle called pain February 9, 2022 This blogpost is about the complexity of pain in general and how we should navigate through this complexity.